A Tribute to Donna MacDermid

Today Nova Musica is saying goodbye to a longstanding member who left us suddenly and too soon. Donna MacDermid, our principal flute player passed away suddenly at home on August 12th, 2021. 

Donna was a very active and lively member of Nova Musica. She had a bubbly personality and a sharp wit that brought joy to everyone around her. She was an exceptional musician, whose beautiful flute solos often soared above the sound of strings and other wind instruments.

Donna was particularly proud of a duet arrangement of Bist Du Bei Mir by J.S. Bach she performed with her daughter Heather at our winter concerts in 2018. Even when the pandemic forced Nova to suspend rehearsals, Donna was a regular attendee at Nova music appreciation nights, which we used as a small way to connect to one another in our love for music.

Together with Cheryl Vinge, I played flute next to Donna for several years. We were ‘flute buddies’ as we liked to call it. We not only rehearsed together, but we often played duets, attended concerts and workshops. Our friendship was founded in our shared love for music, but it branched out into many aspects of life. We were frequently sharing book recommendations, recipes and Donna was always interested in what we were doing in our lives. 

Donna was a supportive force, always encouraging us to try harder parts, often making us laugh with her off-hand rehearsal commentary. One Christmas she gave us all flute socks and we wore them with pride. She admired flute players like Sir James Galway and Gareth McLearnon and the frequent video shares in our Facebook messages always brought a smile to our faces followed by heated discussions about how challenging the piece would be to play.

The loss of Donna is sudden and leaves a big hole in the Nova Musica family. I do believe, however, that Donna would want us to continue to make music together and so we shall. 

Nova Musica Community Orchestra would like to extend condolences to Donna’s daughter Heather, and her extended family for their loss.

Hanne Pearce

Join us for Pageantry & Princesses: A Holiday Concert!

Pageantry & Princesses Poster

Nova Musica invites you to join us for a holiday concert that showcases pageantry and music about princesses! The concert program includes music by Haydn, Rossini, Holiday classics and a medley of music from the motion picture Frozen. Join us on December 17th at 7pm at the Cité Francophone, 8627 – 91 Street. Admission is by donation. There is also a Facebook event online to share with family and friends.

Nova AGM is September 24th

Nova’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 24th during the first part of our rehearsal time.

We are putting the call out for people to stand for election to the board. The positions that have become vacant are Treasurer, Concert Coordinator, and Ways and Means. A brief description  of the duties of the various board positions is available in the member handbook, which can be found in the for members section.


The 2019-2020 Season begins soon!

Attention music lovers! Alas, Summer is coming to an end, but there is still something to look forward to: Nova Musica will start its 2019-2020 Season on Tuesday September 10 – 7:30pm-10:00pm

Yes it’s time to get the band back together but we also welcome new members. We currently have vacancies for bassoons, low brass and strings. Please contact us at contact@novamusica.org if you are interested in joining.

Returning members please stay tuned for the new repertoire list – it will be up repertoire page soon. See you in a few weeks!


Nova Musica is proud to present it’s 2nd concert of the Spring Season! A Celebration! will be held at at l’École Gabrielle-Roy on the evening of May 21st, 2019 at 7pm. Tickets will be available at the door.

L’orchestre communautaire Nova Musica en collaboration avec l’École Gabrielle-Roy, présente Célébrons! Mardi 21 mai 2019 – 19h

It’s a Celebration!

Nova Musica is pleased to present its first concert of the 2019 Spring Season! It’s a Celebration! will be held at the Mustard Seed Church (10635 96 St) on May 12, 2019 starting at 2pm. All are welcome, admission is free / by donation, with donations going to the Mustard Seed Church. The program includes works by Johann Strauss, Ponchielli, Vaughn Williams, Hummel, Dvorak, and Johnson. It will also feature soloist Christopher Young, on trumpet. We hope to see you there!

See You in September!

Save the Date!

The start date for our new season is September 11th at the usual time and place: Tuesdays from 7:30-10 pm at École Gabrielle-Roy (8728 – 93 Ave).

The repertoire will be coming shortly so stay tuned.

We would love to see some violins, violas, cello, bass, trombones, tuba, bassoon and horns! We need you!

Looking forward to seeing everyone and to making some fine music together.


Fall Rehearsal Season Starting Soon!

With September just around the corner it’s time Nova members to grab your instrument and run back to rehearsals! The fall Nova rehearsal season begins on September 12th at École Gabrielle-Roy (8728 93 Ave NW). You can find repertoire on the repertoire page under the “For Members” section.

If you are not a Nova member and you are interested in joining this year please feel free to contact us at contact@novamusica.org